About Us

At Home Hospice Association (HHA), we believe in:
Providing quality end of life care in a holistic, culturally sensitive manner.
Normalizing death through education to professionals, children, families and communities.
Supporting the dying, their loved ones, and those who care for them in grief and bereavement.
Creating a future where we will have forever changed end-of-life care for the better.

Our Mission
Home Hospice Association (HHA) is a Canadian registered charity that aims to support the dying and their loved ones by increasing access to holistic care, personalized support, and practical resources.
Together with our dedicated team of HHA-trained Death Doulas and volunteers, our mission is to ensure that anyone facing death - of any age, at any time, under any roof - receives compassionate, inclusive and culturally sensitive care.
Through our innovative programs, educational trainings, direct support and community partnerships, we are able to raise awareness of the need for compassionate and inclusive end-of-life care, and promote a culture of empathy, understanding, and open dialogue about dying and death.

Our Values
When we medicalize dying, our human need for connection (physical, emotional and spiritual) often goes unmet. By putting humanness at the core of how we work, we prioritize meeting others where they're at - with respect, a non-judgemental attitude, and an open heart and mind.
We firmly believe that anyone facing their own mortality should have a choice of resources and approaches to care and support, including dying wherever they call home. In this way, they can reach the end of their life with compassion that is founded in culturally sensitive human connection.
Our comprehensive death education programs equip communities, agencies and caregivers (professional, familial, and volunteer) with the knowledge to support those facing death, as well as their loved ones, along an entire journey of dying, death, grief and loss.
We passionately believe that, just as it takes a village to raise a child, a village is equally necessary (maybe even more so) at the end of life. We also recognize that community isn't just about geography, but also includes social, cultural and spiritual affiliation. Focusing on helping members of all communities become more comfortable with their own mortality is the first step. We consciously incorporate different perspectives, interests and cultures into our program development and try to remain sensitive to unique cultural challenges and needs. We also consistently develop leadership capacity both within our organization and the communities we serve.
Meeting the needs of the 84% of people in Canada who don't have equitable access to end-of-life care requires a genuine dedication to relationship- and capacity-building. We are committed to freely sharing our programs, resources and funding with other Canadian registered charities and government agencies, and to making our support and expertise available to all our community partners. None of us can do this work alone.

Our Vision
Our vision at HHA is to transform the experience of purely medicalized end-of-life care by making compassionate and personalized support accessible to anyone and everyone, regardless of where they call home.
We envision a world where every person facing death has the kind of care and community support they need to die with dignity, respect, and comfort.
As the leading organization in death education and end-of-life community outreach, we are continually striving to enhance the quality of both living and dying in communities across Canada.