As part of our ongoing efforts to support individuals and families facing the indescribable pain of losing a child, Home Hospice Association offers a scholarship for those training in Infant & Pregnancy Loss Support. Created in memory of Eric Elliott, who tragically lost his life in a drowning accident at just 15 months old, the fund was launched last year on Eric's birthday, May 31, in close collaboration with the Elliott family of Florence, Ontario (near Sarnia).

As a member of the Scholarship Fund Project Team, I had the privilege of working with Amanda Elliott, Eric's mom, to develop this initiative. Despite the depths of her grief and the relentless pressures of daily life, Amanda’s openness and willingness to share her family’s story were nothing short of inspiring. Sitting at my computer, looking through family photos of Eric with his siblings and parents, I was often moved to tears by Amanda’s candor. Her story brought me closer to the realities of her family’s loss, and it struck me how easily this tragedy could happen to anyone.

One story Amanda shared was about "Baby Yoda." At once beautiful and heartbreaking, it illustrates in a small but meaningful way the enduring impact of the Elliott family’s loss:
“Some of you may wonder… ‘Baby Yoda story,’ what does Baby Yoda have to do with anything? This is our story of how this little green alien creature became a part of who we are as a family.
Once upon a Costco trip, I found a baby Yoda infant jogging outfit. I’m not huge into Star Wars, but I do have a basic idea of who the characters are… long story short, I thought it was too cute! Fast forward a few weeks, and I put Eric in this baby Yoda jogging suit. Little did I know, that this outfit would become forever life changing.
This little alien creature from Star Wars is what resonates and reminds Owen & Avaya of their baby brother, and has ever since the moment he was first dressed in that outfit. After Eric died, I spent a lot of time in hospital trying to find some sort of hope, some reason that this happened to me and my family. I was able to see Owen and Avaya on hospital-approved passes, and on those visits, Avaya would see a baby Yoda and say, “there’s Eric”, and Owen agreed.
Eric was and is our “Baby Yoda.” Someone who I hold very dear to my heart told me, “It’s an incredibly debilitating void to navigate, and if it can help you… then that’s fantastic.” This person has helped me navigate this very lonely, confusing path, that has caused pain more debilitating than I am ever able to describe. “Baby Yoda” will be in our family pictures from now until forever; I know in my heart that Eric is with us in the picture, but this little alien creature represents his presence, and he represents what is physically missing in our family photos - photos that I can barely look at because he is not in them.””
As we approach the holiday season, a time that can feel especially heavy for those who’ve lost a child, we're reminded of the importance of supporting families navigating this devastating grief. Your support makes this possible. By donating to the scholarship fund, you’re not only helping build Eric’s legacy but also ensuring families like the Elliotts have access to trained professionals who can walk alongside them, providing the understanding and care they so desperately need.

Learn more about the Eric Elliott Memorial Scholarship Fund, and please consider making a donation.