Ontario Personal Support Workers are all Heart

On Saturday April 29, 2017 Home Hospice Association had the opportunity to make a presentation at the fourth annual conference of OPSWA; Ontario Personal Support Worker’s Association. OPSWA Vice President Katie Scott and HHA Co-Founder Tracey Robertson began connecting in the winter of 2016 over a shared vision and understanding. PSW’s are the eyes and ears in the homes of our clients. One of HHA’s Team Members, Natalie (a funeral director), said it best;
“when I want to know what someone’s favorite nail polish colour was, I ask one of their PSW’s”.
Tracey and Merri-Lee Agar (Training and Development Leadership Member) spoke to a packed room about what end of life care in our country could really look like. They shared the current state of palliative care and inspired the group to see how each and every one, in attendance, could play a role a changed reality. Together we can ensure no one dies alone or in distress.
It was a fantastic day for HHA! We made many great connections, established some wonderful new friendships and connected with three champions who want to be the catalyst for a Home Hospice Chapter in their community.
Most importantly, this is what we learned:
· Personal Support Workers take immense pride in the work they do; as the front line for their patients (clients) they care for ~ beyond anything conceptualized when thinking of this industry

· The PSW’s in attendance, at a Saturday Conference, were there because they WANTED to be there; less than 5% were there because their employer paid for their conference fee; less than 5% were there receiving pay from their employer to be there; many had to find their own shift replacements to be able to attend
· Personal Support Workers are dedicated professionals! 7 Seminars packed the day and not one attendee left early or opted out of a session
· OPSWA is all heart; the work they do to bring specialized knowledge to these important members of every care team; the time they take to vet partners to ensure they are providing the very best to PSW’s and the hours they put into events such as this conference, show how much they care about you and I and those whom we are trusting for our care
Home Hospice Association is so proud of the work OPSWA is doing and feels so grateful to play a role in helping our Personal Support Workers be the best they can be as the care for others as if they were “their own”.